Sunday 19 June 2011

My lovely dog

Below some pictures of my dog. It's very lovely. It's three years old. He likes playing with mascots, which usualy buys him my mother.
It's very fun when I come back to home (my family's home) in Włoszczowa. Our dog, called Maciek, he enjoys so formidable.

New apartments

Last Saturday I visited new apartment building, built near my house. In the photo higher there is a place, where two years ago was a small pub. Today is a new blocks of flats.
This building was built very quickly: one and half of year. Last holiday I had to hear a noise from a building site.
And last Saturday I could see this apartments. They are very nice, large, much the lights, but there is one problem: they are vey expensive. 10,5 thousands PLN for one square metre for the cheapest flat. Not for me. Unfortunately.

Monday 13 June 2011

New job

I'm looking for new job. I can work in primary school, high school, college. I like teach IT. I can teach young people, adult, small children. Someone help me?

Sunday 12 June 2011

Master Kydryński

Yesterday I watched a concert from Opole. This was concert about Eva Demarczyk, famous polish singer who was known in 60's and 70's years. She sang very lovely songs, with big expretion and charisma. 
In this concert 8 polish ladies sang Demarczyk's songs. Concert held very handsome man. He spoke very lovely about Ewa Demarczyk, about her life, her career, her songs. He spoke like Ludwik Kydryński, very famous polish compere. But I made mistake and I thought that he is son of other famnous man, musician from Poland: Jerzy Petersburski. 
Today my mother said me that he is Marcin Kydryński, Lucjan Kydryński's son. 

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Włoszczowa

Last weekend I visited my family and my family town: Włoszczowa. I would like present you our church.

Sanctuarium of Our Lady of Włoszczowa

In this place in 1647 is built a chapel, because here were many miraculous apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to historical records on May 27, 1642 Holy Mary accompanied by St. Joseph appeared to a nine-year-old girl. Present church is an extension of this chapel.
At the time of the apparition, those gathering and praying there experienced many miraculous recoveries.  
The vantered picture of Our Lady of Włoszczowa, patroness of children and families is to be seen in the  main altar.
On June 3, 2007, a ceremony was held to place papal crowns on the temples of Jesus and Mary. 

Monday 6 June 2011

Żyć nie umierać!

In this musical cabaret the dance and songs are interwoven with sketches, jokes and monologues filled with the Jewish and typical Warsaw humour. In the first part of the show the action takes place in the outskirt restaurant “Sielanka” where the polish – jewish community meets to have some good time together. The second part it  set up in an elegant restaurant where the wealthy audience watches the stars on stage in the air filled with perfume scent and cigar smoke. The dialogues are taken from the works of Tuwim, Słonimski, Jurandot, Gozdawa and  Stępień.

Map of dream (Dresm’s map)

In February I went in psychology workshop. It’s called “Dream’s map”. I were very happy that I decided on this workshop.. They teached us was is important in our life. The most important on this workshop was make a “Dream’s map”.  There was a piece of carton, were we stick pictures with our dreams about:
  1.        my lifemotive,
  2.      children ort art,
  3.     plains, journey, friends,
  4. our evolution,
  5. 5.       family,
  6. 6.       geld, richness.

Map of dream tell us what we want.

Half joking, half seriously (Pół żartem, pół serio)

One of musicals in Jewish Theatre  in Warsaw.
A cabaret-and-music show based on texts by such renowned authors of the pre-war period as Julian Tuwim, Marian Hemar, Jerzy Jurandot.
The texts by these masters of cabaret have not become out of date.  Sketches, jokes and anecdotes intertwine with revue and music hits composed by such stars as Jerzy Petersburski,  Henryk Wars and Artur Gold. Good time and enjoyment guaranteed.

Fiddler on the Roof

The world famous musical „Fiddler on The Roof” with its music and theme containing a humanistic message speaks to the audiences all over the world.
The libretto is based on a story by Sholem Aleichem, “Tevye the Milkman”. It’s a story of a poor milkman, saddled with five daughters waiting to be married and receive a dowry. Although he struggles day and night, he has his own philosophy, cheerful nature and a personal concept of the world.
“Fiddler on The Roof: is an outstanding drama, a play with music which inspires theatres to produce it over and over again.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Wars and Sawa (another version)

A long, long time ago there was a tiny hut standing at the shores of the Vistula River. There lived Wars, fisherman, and his wife Sawa. 
One day in the forest was organized a hunt for prince Ziemomysl. He was an owner of estate.  But he lost in his vast forest. He wandered around for many night and days and finally he reached to a poor fisherman’s hut. Wars and Sawa made the stranger welcome and entertained a guest according the old Polish tradition of hospitality.  In the morning the grateful prince said: “You didn’t hesitate to take in a stranger and save him from hunger, cold and wild animals. Therefore this land will forever be called Warsaw , so your kidness can never forgotten.

Wars and Sawa

Legend tell where from begun the name of capital city in Poland.
There was in the past, when in Poland lived king Kazimierz Odnowiciel. One more time he have been tramping from Krakow to Gniezno. On his way he came up poor fisherman’s hut.  King found this hut thanks to the smoke and the smell of fresh food. Fisherman treated  king Kazimierz some fishe from the night’s catch and told King about his family. He had marvellous twins: girl and boy.  Because he lived in the middle of primeral forest and there was any church they (fisherman and his wife) could not baptise the babies.
The king, who had really enjoyed the meal, wanted to pay the peasants with geld, but they, according to the old polish tradition of hospitality, refused to take any payement. Then the king asked them for one more favour – he asked to be a twin’s godfather at their baptism that he would organize.  They set up an altar on a hill and a priest commissioned by King  Kazimierz named the twins Wars (the boy) and Sawa (the girl). And king Kazimierz announced that  Peter Fisherman would from then on be called Piotr Wars, the royal fisherman, the father of Wars i Sawa, and the owner of the vast forecast. The king also told him that one day when a village began to take shape near his hut, that he should give it a name derived from his new surname – and the village would carry that name forever. 

The Golden Duck

A long, long time ago a princess who had been turned into a golden duck lived in the cellars of Ostrogski Castle. People said that anyone who found her would be rich.
One year, on Kupala’s night a young cobbler went down into cellars – he was lucky and he met the golden duck.  She promised him riches. However, she said there was only one condition: she gave him a bag full of golden coins and said he had to spend them all within one day and not share his riches with anyone.
The boy tried spend his money in one day. He bought clothes for him, he bought full of meal for him, he drank full of beer and wine. He ale day remember of the condition of the golden duck.
 It was almost the end of the day, when the boy broke the condition: he gave the last coin to a poor soldier. In a blink of an  eye, he lost everything he had purchased with the gold coins.
In this moment he understood that money does not make you happy: true happiness comes from work and good health. From that time onwards, he lived the good life of a master cobbler and nobody ever heard about the Golden Duck again.

The Basilisk

In the Old Town, on the side of Dekert of Old Town Square is a tenement with deep cellar. In this basement lived Basilisk, terrible monster. He guarded  huge treasures. When some man wanted reach treasure, was killed by the gaze of the Basilisk. It was very dangerous, because Basilisk changed their in the stones, when he looked for daredevil. Many people tried win the Basilisk, but anybody didn’t know the method.
On more time it was a daredevil, who discovered method of destroy the monster. When he got into cellar, and when immediately appeard the Basilisk, he showed the monster a mirror. When the Basilisk looked into mirror,  it turned in stone. Basilisk was so awful so, when he looked in mirror and he saw himself, he was so terrified , so he immediately changed in stone.
Today on the fasade of the building there is a picture of the Basilisk, which is the symbol of the renowned Warsaw restaurant of the same name.