Saturday 6 April 2013

Warsaw Photoplasticon

Built  at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a Fotoplastikon was a popular device that allowed viewers to watch changing three-dimensional images. The Warsaw Fotoplastikon is unique becuase  it is one of the very few in the world adn is located in thr oryginal hitosrical building.
It boasts a collection of more than 5,000 old photos from various corners of the globe, induding a number of photos from the pre-war Warsaw, which actually ceased to exist in 1944.
Warsaw residents consider the Fotoplastikon to be a very magical place. Durimg the Nazi occupation of World War II, it served an additional role as a clandestine meeting and contact point. After the war, when over 80% of the capital lay in smoldring riuns, it fueled hopes for the city's reconstrictions, by highligting and showing colour photographs of pre-war Warsaw.
During the 1950s and '60s, sweethearts often went here on dates, and the room resounded with Polish jazz, which was banned at the time.
Today, when visitors enjoy original black-adn-white slides of pre-war Warsaw, they do so whilst listening to contemporary show-tunes, played on a phonograph.
In 2008, the Fotoplastikon was placced under the auspices of the Warsaw Rising Museum.

A few years ago, in a poll conducted among Varsowians, it was found to be the capital city's magical place.
Warsaw Photoplasticon - Official side
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